
Parent information


​​​Library​​ book borrowing

All children are encouraged to borrow resources from the school library. Children will not be permitted to borrow resources without a library bag. Lost or damaged resources must be paid for by the parent / carer before borrowing can recommence. 

Lost property

Each year the school accumulates lots of lost property. It is suggested that all items of clothing, especially hats, jumpers and lunchboxes are clearly marked with your child’s name. Inquire at the office for lost items such as watches, wallets and jewellery. Items not collected at the end of each term are donated to a charity organisation. The lost property area is situated on the Reflection Room verandas. 

Money, toys and valuables

Children are discouraged from bringing money (except for tuckshop, excursions etc.), mobile phones, electronic games, valuables, toys and sporting equipment to school. The school will not accept any responsibility for the damage or loss of money or personal items. 


Our school newsletter is called the “Morayfield Messenger” and it is electronically distributed on Wednesdays every fortnight to families who have registered their email address upon enrolment with the school. The newsletter can also be accessed from our school website. Families who are unable to access the internet must notify the office and can collect a hard copy from the teacher. This is to reduce our paper use and become more environmentally friendly. The newsletter is an excellent opportunity for us to keep in touch with the school community on events happening in and around our school. 

Pedestrian crossing / parking / road safety

The Caboolture River Road crossing is serviced by a Crossing Supervisor. She/he is a trained person who is responsible for the safety of all persons using the crossing. 

  • Before crossing the road, please ensure that you and/or your children wait until the whistle is blown and follow the supervisor’s directions at all times. 

  • Bikes are not to be ridden across the pedestrian crossing or at the traffic lights. 

  • Please obey all parking signs in and around car parks. 

  • No double parking at any time. 

  • Do not park in the emergency entrance to the oval.

Pupil requisites – booklist

Towards the end of the year parents will be given a booklist. 


Government regulations state that smoking is not permitted on school premises. 

Visiting the school – during school hours 

If you are visiting the school at any time during the day, you must first report to the office to sign a Visitor’s book. This is to help safeguard our students. This does not apply when delivering or collecting children before or after school. 


Volunteers assisting in classrooms and tuckshop must complete a confidentiality agreement before commencing any voluntary work at the school. All volunteers are also requested to sign in and out in the Volunteers Register which is situated in the office and the tuckshop. All volunteers will be required to wear a volunteer’s badge to identify themselves whilst on school grounds.

Expectations of parents

It is reasonable to expect parents/caregivers to undertake the following in relation to the administration of medication and/or management of health conditions.

  • Request the school in writing to administer prescribed medication or to assist in the management of a health condition.

  • Notify the school in writing of any requests and/or guidelines from medical practitioners including potential side effects or adverse reactions.

  • Provide the medication in the original labelled container to the nominated staff member.

  • Ensure the medication is not out of date and has an original pharmacy label with the students name, dosage and time to be taken.

  • Advise the school in writing and collect the medication when it is no longer required at school.​

Parent information programs

Throughout the year we provide a series of parent information sessions to enable parents/carers to assist their children with learning in a manner which is consistent with the latest teaching and learning methods. 

Volunteering in the classroom

Teachers welcome any parents/carers who would like to assist in the classroom.  The duties may vary from week to week, some of which may include:-

  • Listening to children read

  • Assisting in art lessons (cutting out / mixing paint etc.)

  • Covering reading books

  • Assisting teachers in the supervision of children on excursions, outings etc.

Voluntary aides are expected to be friendly, patient, sincere and able to work with children. The assistance given by voluntary aides is always highly valued by teachers and children. 

A volunteer induction information session is held for anyone wishing to become a volunteer aide in the classroom. All volunteers must attend one of these sessions. 

Chaplaincy program

Our school community provides a program of chaplaincy services which is available to all students. Chaplaincy services are an additional program which operates with the endorsement of the school’s Parents and Citizens Association. The chaplain is involved in the following activities which happen at this school: friendship group, pastoral care, lunchtime activities and general daily school life. 


Playgroup operates out of ‘The PLACE’ each Tuesday morning from 9.00am. Please contact the office if you have any queries or are interested in joining.

Last reviewed 05 December 2022
Last updated 05 December 2022